Four years ago, many of us found ourselves looking at a nation that was broken. We were angry, disheartened, and lost. But instead of giving in to despair, something extraordinary happened. A movement began, one led by countless, ordinary Americans who decided to stand up. And as the election results came in, it was clear: their hard work had paid off.
Instead of giving up, we recognized the part we played in the disastrous election of 2020. We were not engaged and had lost our way. Instead of giving up, we faced the withering storms, rolled up our sleeves, and got to work. With God's great mercy and our blood sweat, and tears, we got back up. So many doubted. So many paralyzed with fear. But the few and the faithful stood like mighty oaks and did their part.
We will show the world how great this nation can be. We will revive the American spirit. May we never ever again squander our precious gift. May we continue to face adversity with dignity, courage, perseverance, and a profound regard for our God-given liberties. I'm so proud of my family, and the friends I've met along the way who worked so hard, like Sisyphus pushing that boulder back up the mountain. I have deep awe for all of you and you know who you are.
Now the real battle begins. Stay grateful and remain vigilant. Continue to stand for the truth, and may GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!
As an independent journalist, I've had countless encounters with everyday Americans across this nation. I attended meetings, rode across with the People’s Convoy in 2022, and interviewed parents in Loudoun County who were labeled “domestic terrorists” for defending the innocence of children.
I believe our recent wins were because average Americans humbled themselves, rolled their sleeves up, and got to work. Thousands volunteered for any number of roles and activities; school boards, poll watchers, doctors who spoke up during the pandemic, scrutiny of voter rolls, the crafting of legislation, etc. They were present and paying attention. They began to realize what they stood to lose.
Trump is an amazing man. His kind heart, his indomitable spirit, his optimism, and love for the country and its people are undeniable to anyone who wishes to see. No question the American people needed a leader like him at this time in history. His was the “greatest comeback of all time,” in part because of his unique temperament and spirit. BUT…
The people I am talking about are the best of America. They have common sense. They know a con when they see it. They courageously speak the truth at great risk to their careers and their families. They are fearless, plain-speaking, hard-working, gritty, persevering souls.
They were also gracious. So many late-comers, walkaways, independent media personalities, and influencers woke up to the gaslighting and lies. But these hard-working souls welcomed them knowing these influencers might garner more credit than they deserved.
These Americans acted with purpose and direction. They trudged and contributed daily. Most will never receive the recognition they deserve, try as I did to highlight their missions.
It has been enormously difficult at times to continue to believe that these small, unheard, and unseen efforts would ever be rewarded. Many will never get the kind of credit our culture seems to teach us to yearn for. The warrior fights, not for credit, but because his cause is just and true.
I am proud of my fellow Americans. We were graced with the most precious gift in 2020, the gift of suffering and pain. Many of us thought one man would be enough and then realized he wasn’t. Trump will be a historic figure, no doubt. But it is the American people who said “no” to the nonsense, “no” to a culture that has no truth or a sense of something greater, and "no" to being silenced. Some are in prison because of it. Instead of lying down, they became mighty warriors.
Our Founding Fathers were wise beyond their time. They were remarkably fearless and grounded, straightforward in their convictions. These men were deeply aware of the larger forces at play.
Despite overwhelming odds, the Founding Fathers recognized their power to shape a new nation and their awesome place within the broader arc of history. Their vision was not merely for a new government but for a system of government that would reflect the fundamental principles of justice and freedom.
The Founding Fathers believed the government should be designed to reflect the will of its citizens and to protect the inalienable, God-given rights that form the foundation of human dignity. They built a government meant to safeguard ordered liberty for generations to come, ensuring that power would always be accountable to the people it served.
Abraham Lincoln reflected on this enduring ideal when he said, “We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last best hope of earth.” Lincoln’s words remind us that the experiment in liberty begun by the Founding Fathers was not a one-time achievement but an ongoing responsibility—one that requires courage, commitment, and constant vigilance to preserve.
In 2020, the pain of loss and betrayal reminded us of what we had to lose. Perhaps we were ungrateful, lazy, or self-absorbed. Nevertheless, we began to understand what our self-centeredness and lack of vigilance had produced. The fact that we were standing on a precipice became brutally clear.
America has been given a second chance. In the face of adversity, we summoned the perseverance and grit of our ancestors. We should never again forget this precious gift, this sparkling jewel of a nation. May we continue to pass the torch and our legacy to future generations. May we again be unwavering and willing to do the grueling work with grace; to rise, fearless in the face of adversity as did the generations before us.
Yes sir, the People appreciate your resolve and your dedication to our country!
As you’ve said, the work is only beginning. As Jefferson said, we have a republic if we can keep it.
We must work together with President Trump to accomplish this!
We The People will Make America Great Again!!!
We have made it clear to our senators that we expect them to confirm Trumps cabinet. Thank you for this article we are going to keep fighting for our country.