Albert Einstein said, “The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits”. I’d humbly add that genius also recognizes its limits.
That said, and here goes … Does anyone remember Presidents Biden or Obama, or anyone from their administrations talking about peace or saying things like, let’s stop the killing like Trump does? Or, even better, openly stating that they wanted to end the war and here are ways to achieve a peaceful solution?
The answer is NEVER!
Perpetual war is the trademark of the establishment warmongering globalist elite in WDC. This includes many of the so-called “think tanks” too (they’re not called “do tanks” for good reason).
They and damn near every member of Congress are all culpable and guilty of either enabling this war to begin with and / or to cause it to continue to this horrific point with so many lives lost and billions of dollars of destruction.
AND, as we've learned, The USAID / NGO gravy train appears to be ending abruptly. Many are screaming quietly behind closed doors along with the rest of their Euro-fascist friends, all of whom need to be held to account and embarrassed publicly for their culpability in this war.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not anti-war, I am however, anti-stupid war.
Regarding Zelensky, he appears to be driven by a personal agenda; and (unlike the great statesman Winston Churchill, who signed the August 1941 Atlantic Charter with the USA - essentially trading the British Empire for US military support), he is obviously unwilling to compromise on behalf of his country and work with the USA for a peace deal.
He seems to like the power, money, and limelight too much (remember, he's an actor). He appears convinced by the European's ability to substitute US military support in his fight to the death with Russia. He has zero idea what European militaries are capable of (pssst., not very much, especially w/out USMIL support and leadership, this is the truth).
We're witnessing equally foolish Europeans jump on his bandwagon without reflecting upon how weak they are. They are economically bankrupt, militarily very weak, and badly politically fractured.
Never forget that bad strategy will always be that one element you cannot afford and only chosen by those that have a distorted and dangerous view of risk and their own capabilities.
The UK and France, both of whom were in the White House before Zelensky, have important roles to play in joining and promoting the US peacemaking alliance. Both know that their nuke capabilities are entirely dependent on US support, and both have greatly diminished militaries. They have also agreed in principle to contribute to a peacekeeping (reassurance) force.
I have a tendency to use the phrase, "Steady Boys", and this phrase is now more important than ever to remind everyone, we are entering very dangerous waters. Cool strategic heads are needed here; not media driven hysteria. The USA has offered a chance for peace; let’s see if the Europeans take it; or choose to support Zelensky in a European war they can neither afford nor win.
To selectively paraphrase Einstein above; "Let's not follow stupid."
Thank you to the historically elected, in a mandate landslide presidential victory, the one non-political leader in America, @realDonaldTrump for demonstrating genius.
I don't know that I could say thank you for your service often enough, General. Reading your articles always adds to my education. You should be writing the course curriculum at West Point and teaching our up and coming officers.
Great comments General Flynn. If I may add, there has to be an audit - a forensic audit - off all the US funding (USAID) and follow the money trail. Zelensky is simply a pawn.
What Trump has achieved - so genius from my observation - is to expose the complete chess board to the Americal people of this Ukranian - Russian conflict. Putin is simply protecting the interest of Russia, as expected. Both Trump and Putin remain steady as they mutually know the real architects of this ill and elongated war will be exposed, along with their motive.