EXCELLENT written article. Thank you. Spending and further debt. Never ends. Money laundering, special interests, corrupt and or captured politicians, bribery, extortion due to foolish weak human actions, the corrupting powers of the Central bank that our founding Fathers always warned us about, communist infiltration throughout our government and society through ELITE capture, etc.. JFK strived for a global peace, especially with Russia, and a withdrawal from Vietnam. He was eventually assassinated followed by the greatest cover up in our nation's history. Enter President Trump, the crimes/treasonous crimes against him, along with the many massive equally historic coverups against him. Another true American leader, one who fights for peace and against the war mongers and their lust for money and power on the dead bodies of millions of the innocents. Fletcher Prouty once advised me on a radio talk show to pick up a book called "The Report from Iron Mountain" by Leonard Lewin. That if peace was attainable, what kind of an effect would it have on nations growing economy. Is war healthy for a growing industrial economy? How can anyone believe in a God that made such drastic mistakes that man must kill man in horrific wars so our economies can stay healthy and prosper with jobs and profits through war making materials? A God that didn't make enough land, enough food, enough space here on earth for the human race to survive and live in peace. Has anyone of you driven across America from east to west? From east to south? Recently? I have. The amount of open land in our country is still astonishing. Check out Canada, Alaska, Russia, China, Africa, etc.. Never forget that God made man with an incredible creative mind. Nothing is impossible to the mind of God. The question to mankind is, will man use God's gifts to us for good or for evil? Get it out of your minds that war and the making of war materials for never ending wars are a necessity for a healthy growing economy and profits. These beliefs are views from greedy money profiteers and Godless people.

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Very sorry. I think I got to deep with this comment. Please continue to pray for president Trump and his incoming administration. This will be a continuous long battle but the sun WILL shine brightly on America again.

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