The CIA along with all of the IC needs to be defun

ded, disimantled and only a select few re-aligned under the Military. General Flynn is the man to do so.

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That's exactly what JFK wanted to do when he had those top secret documents drawn up (National Security Action Memorandums 55, 56, 57) to crush the power and authority of the CIA. The CIA was created to be just an Intelligence gathering agency back in 1947, but they got way out of control. They are so huge and complex that they seem to be their own government where the president and congress truly do not know or are informed with all their actions around the world.

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This was so very interesting and informative. Yet, so very frustrating and sad. What do I know about the true deep works of our Intelligence agencies, that includes the rogue cells deep inside this vast complex powerful CIA ? What I do know, is what I learned about the JFK assassination and the huge coordinated cover up by our intelligence (CIA,FBI) agencies, politicians, bureaucrats, major media, the warren commission report, etc.. That assassination proves how far back the Deep State has been in control of our major American policies, both foreign and domestic, constantly installing people in important roles in all levels of our government and media to make sure they keep in control. I do believe the "Deep State" has been in control for a much longer time before the JFK assassination. They are very entrenched in almost every important area of our country. But today, the vast numbers of Americans ARE AWAKEN and stand with President Trump and his EXCELLENT appointees. This battle for truth and justice, and to truly dismantle the power of this administrative Deep State, has only just begun.

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"The USIC (specifically the CIA) must be held to account for these egregious abuses of its authorities. The CIA is a subset inside the executive branch of our government (meaning they work for the POTUS). The DOD has a vastly larger and much better intelligence capabilities (70 percent of the IC is inside DOD). The CIA has been abusing the American people for far too long which is why JFK threatened to break it apart (and he paid the ultimate price). This nonsense has to end."

Yes, General Flynn is perfect person to fix this. Empowered by Trump and DOGE, of course.

AMEN. SPOT O N. Also check my book "Invisible Treason." It was the #1 new book on Amazon in 2023.


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