Thank you sir, for being a true Patriot and also for saying this so distinctly. I am sorry you and your family were done so wrong. I watched your movie and it truly opened my eyes to the extent of the evil we faced. God bless you and I look forward to seeing what work for the cause of freedom in America you do.

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Might want to dig a little bit into Flynn.

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The digging was already done by the current corrupt administration. Flynn came up clean just like DJT did. Fact checked

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actually he-was pardoned by drumpf before trial. Hardly an exoneration

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actually no. drumpf pardoned him pre-emptively so the case was dropped. Hardly an exoneration..

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He wants to create his own Arabella Advisors the dark money organization of the left.

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really Steven? I think the weaponized anti-american haters have already done that with Flynn, or, at least tried to... maybe they needed Rober Mueller to REALLY dig ... yea, that's all it would take... right? Russiagate was orchestrated and complicit from the top down, an attempted coup , a conspiracy thousands of times worse than watergate... and what did Mark Meadows do with all the 'dirt' in documents from russiagate? Trump wanted him to declassify and release it so the american people could see the wretchedness behind it.. no, instead he sold it (or more accurately, himself) to the FBI, who much much later released it NINTEY PERCENT REDACTED... now THERE"S a good word politicians like: redacted: a synomym for covering up a lie, kinda like the word "miss-spoke"... it makes telling a lie look like, "oh, sorry, a mere slip of the tongue", or, "I just spilled my drink... we'll get it mopped up right away..." oh, yes, we mustn't forget, it was for reasons of "national security', like they give a rats ass about that. I want REAL JUSTICE for these criminals, including biden and hunter, Pelosi with her net worth of oer $170million.... yea, get in on the "good" side and see? you can do whatever the hell you want, to hell with the american people....

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This said it all. Point by point. Thank you General Flynn

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Extremely well said!

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One thing that bothers me with Flynn is that he lead MAGA on a QANON bunny trail. This is a fact. He asked for money and received speaking fees all while leasing Americans to believe that QANON was a real thing. What happened to “nothing going to stop what’s about to happen?”

Remember his fiddle signed by DJT? Or him taking the QANON pledge. WWG1WGA?

So what was that all about.

Also, his Thousand Points of Lights speech?

Has Flynn really been hurt financially?

And why isn’t he in Trump’s new administration?

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You definitely!!!

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Do tell.

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😳🤣🤣🤣 a true patriot? Demands a delusional moron. There’s not one thing he said, which is actually true. What a clown and a loser.

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boy are you disillusioned with all this faux patriotic bullshit. The military has absolutely nothing to do with our "freedom." The military is there to expand empire and imperialism from every encounter since WW II and going back before that. Even the World wars had nothing to do with our freedom. It was the freedom of France and Great Britain and the whole of Europe. If we start with the Korean War , it's 70 years plus of world intervention for the Power elite and Hegemony in the world. Stop , and look at your world view. It is inconsistent with the facts and history. We are not about freedom and democracy. Our great country is all about wealth for the wealthy, exploitation , hegemony, and screwing anybody that gets in our way. We are the biggest bullies in the world, and general Flynn was a high actor in the biggest and best terrorist group in the world.

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Second that absolutely!!!

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Thank you, Gen Flynn for your steadfast contagious courage! I am praying that you sir are given the opportunity by DJT to clean house within the evil, soulless, hate filled and very corrupt US intelligence agencies! Please deliver a crushing blow of defeat to the NEVER Trumpers hibernating in the deep state cabal. You are the one man that can make it happen! Do it in the name of justice. Thank you for your service and blessings to you and to your family.

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“Present Arms” said with the emphatic.

I am a retired CW3, who at retirement, was saddened by the corrupt leadership I witnessed. The social agenda infiltration of our ranks really caught me off guard as I spent 30 years fighting alongside them. I thought I knew them.

Rest assured that beauty does come from ashes and the Lord Jesus is still on the throne. Praying for patriots like you to be my voice when I cannot.

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Thank you, Sir! We need you.

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Gen Flynn, we met at Eagle Oaks Honor Day and you were true to your word...Trump is back...you had alot to do with that. Where do you fit into the next administration?

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Flynn had 0 to do with that. He was fired within days of Trump taking office.

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He was fired because Traitor Obama told Trump Lies about Flynn! Everyone knows the truth now, everyone but YOU!

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He was set up. Obama and Comey.

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He was fired because he went around Trump

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Go to Twitter and troll your queer friends instead of giving shit to conservatives here.

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Get a life.

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Says the person that replied to my comment

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Steve anus is another false witness! A weed amongst the wheat!

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Nailed it, Sir, I’m going to edit this a little and embroider a pillow. Liberalism is a mental disorder. I hope we see your smiling face in this admin! We need you there!

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Nope Alan, Gen Flynn double nailed it. Obozo was the one who started this insanity with his planning in his multimillion dollar mansion a mile away from the WH. Set the machine in motion to destroy Gen Flynn and Trump. Thank GOD he failed and the real American came roaring back under patriots like Trump and Flynn and many others. The Dems are a lost cause filled with hatred and evil, much satanic rantings. Fueled by corrupt intelligence agencies. Flynn knows their internal workings thus can get quickly at their root and weed them out! Praise GOD!

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Thank you, General Flynn! Direct to the point; facts that cannot be disputed based on what we have all been through and observed in the past 4 years — which was Obama’s attempt to implement his promised ‘radical transformation of America’. But the battle has only begun to correct the errors since 2008 and put us on an even better track as a nation. The bad actors — on both sides of the aisle — have been exposed, except McConnell (what the heck is he up to anyway?). And the media propaganda machine is completely discredited. I hope President-elect Trump has a position for you!

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The errors you speak of go back to 2000 and before when Billy Goat Clinton sold US out in the name of FREE TRADE which has no doubt killed over 1,000,000 Americans through stolen opportunities causing millions under employment and despair leading to early death. Between NAFTA, FTTA & APEC, Tens of thousands of American Manufacturers put out of business by policies that now show their full damage. These SLEEZY trade deals have killed millions of Americans in a number of ways. None of that could have ever happened had Nixon not taken the Dollar off of the Gold Standard in 1971. The Shear failure of today's American politics goes that far back. 1971 is when The USA was killed from within. You can't buy weapons from your enemies during war. Why would American politicians purposely devalue our currency? Today's Dollar is literally 0nly worth $0.02 to $0.03 today when compared to the Doaapr of 1971. US politics has at the same time literally devalued themselves as their failures have alerted US ALL of how badly US politics has failed as they produce absolutely nothing but a BILL for the rest of US. CUT 90% of US Givernment now. We are fed up with the FED.

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Following orders of the NWO

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After WW2 wven those who were following orders were prosecuted. It's that time again. WW3 began in 2019 but the cause was started by Obama and Fauci 5 years prior as Gain Of Function research. I look forward to hanging many.

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here hear! Well said, totally agree!

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“ Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike,that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans “!!!🇺🇸🙏Pres.John F.Kennedy.Jan20,1961 We will make America great again .. God bless this country and it’s people!❤️

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God Bless you Sir.

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Exactly!! Thank you!!

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Gen. Flynn, Sir. I’m printing this out and putting it in my wallet. Or better yet, why don’t we airlift millions and drop it on our fellow citizens in Blue cities! I disagreed with Trump letting you go, it was such an obvious ruse to many of us back then. But then I probably would have been imprisoned had I been an advisor. Personally I was rooting for a way out in 2020. Handing our great Country over to these goons was unthinkable. It’s not over till the deal is sealed on January 20th and even then our work has just begun. This goes back decades and has been brewing until we had the perfect storm. I believe each and every one of us can take personal responsibility for allowing this to happen. Too much “acceptance” was forced down our throats and we capitulated far too often. Everything became about politics rather than good vs. evil. We never should have let them wipe God out of our Country. We never ever should have let them indoctrinate and brainwash our children much less take out loans and fret over obtaining a college education for our them. Today we must build on choosing good over evil. Not the way Leftist Communists think about it, but the way God himself defined it. We are practically starting from scratch, tabula rosa, as they destroyed nearly everything this great country stands for. We’ve worked too hard, we have a foothold and soon, if we don’t fritter this away, we’ll be able to walk through the door, head held high. Miracles occurred everywhere we looked and only because we prayed and prayed and prayed, volunteers filled with God’s spirit, rather than Soros cash, worked their asses off and citizens flooded the voting booths. Thank you for all you’ve given to this incredible Country we almost lost. Now it’s up to every single one of us to build, create and prosper. We’ve been left with plenty of opportunities. And the funniest thing of all, if people still want their 15 minutes cities, eat bugs, power their cars and communities off the sinful power grid, making sure everything is absolutely equal, hey, it’s a free country. Thank God!

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Yep, the General said it all..right on target!

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Hoping there is a high office you are appointed to, to help save the country

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General Flynn, You are, and always have been an American Hero, an American Patriot!! What they did to you and your family exposed how truly evil they all are. Thank you for not giving up on our country and fighting on to expose the real truth! I wish you were back in the position you so deserved. Our Country needs true hero's like you! God Bless you, your family and the USA!

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I have immense gratitude for your unwavering loyalty and dedication to America and the American people.

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Thank you General Flynn for standing up to the Left. We support you and your actions.

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