to All, seek the truth, share the truth,.... transparency leads to accountability We owe a debt to General Flynn which will take the persistent effort and sacrifice of many patriots over time to repay. God Bless and keep you General Flynn in this new year.

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He is beyond an asset to the country and the American people. One of a few hero’s in my view🇺🇸

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End the CIA to end the endless wars.

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Thank you so much General Flynn. I go back to an old book written by L. Fletcher Prouty in the 1970's "The Secret Team" about the CIA and it's allies in control of the U.S. This is an EXCELLENT read. Prouty served as the chief of special operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Kennedy years. A retired colonel of the US Air Force, he ran the global system designed to provide military support for the clandestine activities of the CIA from 1955 to 1964. Harry Truman called the CIA " a symbol of sinister and mysterious foreign intrigue." Remember, The National Security Counsel was to be in charge of the CIA and report to the President and advise the President. The CIA took control of the NSC and became it's own powerful entity that had free reign. I will leave you with a few quotes from the Secret Team. "The CIA "Intelligence" was a front for it's primary interest. It's the center of a vast mechanism that specializes in Covert operations.. The Secret Team or high Cabal, usually includes representatives of the CIA and other instrumentalities of the government, certain cells of the business and professional world and, almost always, foreign participation.. The Secret Team is the functional element of the dominant power. It operates everywhere with the best of all supporting facilities from special weaponry and advanced communications, with the assurance that it's members will never be prosecuted. It is subservient to the Power ELITE and protected by them." I typed all this to show that if you totally dismantle the CIA, you will cut off the main arm of the Secret Team/high Cabal/Deep State. It also shows the battle Trump and his team has in front of them to deconstruct this deep state AND also free ourselves from the Federal Reserve Central Bank

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The CIA was and still is a discredited organisation that outstrips the notoriety of the former East Germany's STASI and USSR's NKVD.. Any US President who approves or even has knowledge of the CIA's activities lacks the high moral and ethical requirements of that office and should be impeached. Covert mass murder is not a virtue to be found in any democracy.

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No and no. I doubt there has ever been a CIA director who was not a mere front man and puppet of the Dark Powers That Be. Anyone who would even think of rebellion would get the Allen Dulles treatment.

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The list of CIA crimes against humanity is no doubt extensive and grisly. Anyone working for that agency shares the blood guilt of everyone working for that agency. My only hope is that they have been or will soon be dismantled and justice served upon the heads of all those responsible.

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I was Born in 1973 sent by God to win Future wars abolish the CIA ….

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Oh so awesome you are on substack

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The CIA has been behind overthrowing of governments and instigating conflict throughout the Middle East, South-East Asia, Africa, and Central America. And by calling these countries “Communists” they have done so with acceptance from most of the public. The media has sold the “regime change” as a good deed. And has never mentioned the fact that the Cabal made a lot of money by selling weapons and fuel to both sides.

Operation Gladio had no formal approval when it was set up in 1945. So where did the funding come from? The initial funding of 200 million dollars came from the Rockefeller and Mellon Foundations.

I have written about Gladio Operations in

Part 15, https://jytteh.substack.com/p/the-big-picture-part-15

Part 41, https://jytteh.substack.com/p/the-big-picture-part-41

Part 42, https://jytteh.substack.com/p/the-big-picture-part-42

and in the last part of Part 48, https://jytteh.substack.com/p/the-big-picture-part-48

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The CIA was obviously never created to fulfill the publicly stated purpose. It’s been the tool of the cabal (along with the other 4) from the very beginning. None of what you described here were legitimate operations. It’s always been a tool of control. The similarities to the mafia organizations are many. Thank you, General Flynn, for providing the overview of this. God continue to bless you.🙏

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Is the rogue cia attempt to kill John Dean before he testified before congress included in this material?

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Since it was clearly not included, possibly you could provide that information?

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I read it the paper in the 70’s and it seems to have disappeared

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Very informative article about Gladio Operations https://veteranstoday.com/2021/09/11/operation-gladio-global-subversion/

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It's either by design.... or they are the likes of Maxwell Smart and Mr Bean....perhaps both

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While all the other CIA schemes were clearly worthy of Halloween horror-show status, MK-Ultra provided lots of laughs and videos of those soldiers laughing hysterically and throwing their guns away makes a great statement in support of Huxley's BRAVE NEW WORLD.

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How does Dr. Steve Piezchenik factor in given his dislike for John F. Kennedy?

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