“God is giving us a chance to win this war” is exactly how I see it. If you are in a war for a nation’s spirit, you need miracles plus every enthused and fearless warrior. LFG.
So VERY well said General Flynn as always. Thank you so very much for all that you do for President Trump, our country, and the help, advise, and guidance you are giving to President Trump's appointees. I have read a lot of comments, where people are predicting, hoping and asking you what position you will be taking in Trump's administration. The only thing I know, is that we can't predict or truly know how God will use you or how God will guide you to your destination (God's will). I do know that you are in God's plans to save America, just like President Trump and others. You are so very important to all Americans, to our country and President Trump. Many of us who follow you continually with your videos (podcasts) and your writings are so grateful for the information and knowledge you continually give to us. Thank you again. We must NEVER stop praying for President Trump, you, his appointees, a free America that will turn back to God (it is happening), and world peace.
Amen!! I am stronger than I have ever been in my life. Just know that I am behind those on the front lines with prayers of protection. I am battling right alongside you all. Evil is showing it's face every hour and it's annihilation is taking place as we go forward. In God we trust.
Yes! With leadership like yours and God by our side, our prayers and actions can make all these things and more possible. 🙌
“God is giving us a chance to win this war” is exactly how I see it. If you are in a war for a nation’s spirit, you need miracles plus every enthused and fearless warrior. LFG.
So VERY well said General Flynn as always. Thank you so very much for all that you do for President Trump, our country, and the help, advise, and guidance you are giving to President Trump's appointees. I have read a lot of comments, where people are predicting, hoping and asking you what position you will be taking in Trump's administration. The only thing I know, is that we can't predict or truly know how God will use you or how God will guide you to your destination (God's will). I do know that you are in God's plans to save America, just like President Trump and others. You are so very important to all Americans, to our country and President Trump. Many of us who follow you continually with your videos (podcasts) and your writings are so grateful for the information and knowledge you continually give to us. Thank you again. We must NEVER stop praying for President Trump, you, his appointees, a free America that will turn back to God (it is happening), and world peace.
Amen!! I am stronger than I have ever been in my life. Just know that I am behind those on the front lines with prayers of protection. I am battling right alongside you all. Evil is showing it's face every hour and it's annihilation is taking place as we go forward. In God we trust.